Saturday, January 12, 2008

Vigil with the WYD Cross and Icon

So, yesterday we had the opportunity to spend 12 whole hours with the WYD (World Youth Day) cross and icon. The Cross and Icon were given to the Antioch Youths (Antioch li like ZAK in Malta) of Sydney for 24 hours. We joined the 100 youths at around 11pm and stayed till 8:00am - a long night!!

The Cross and Icon were set-up at Maroubra Church. There were around 10 Antioch communities (from the different suburbs of Sydney), and each community animated an hour during the night: worship songs were sung, stations of the cross, rosary, reflections and time of prayer. I really enjoyed the time of prayer and worship - I miss it soooo much!! Being there in the church singing worship songs I knew gave me that home peaceful feeling; I could only sigh and say to myself, "Yeah... this is the place I want to be... this is what I want in my life."

We had morning prayers at 5am... most of the youths were still half asleep. This was followed by a procession from the church to the beach were we celebrated mass. The sun shone high up in the sky, a cool breeze blew from the ocean, and the sound of the roaring waves and the hustling leaves in the trees made the Eucharistic celebration even more special because it was like all creation was worshipping God at that point in time.

We got back home at around 10am totally tired. It was an activity worth attending. I got to know some youths from the parish I'm staying in, and a good time of prayer... Yep, it was a good evening.

Tomorrow we're off to Summer School of Evangelisation - you'll get to know all about it in a week's time.

1 comment:

Simon said...

It sounds amazing Claire, it really does. He trully is an amzing God...
You're always in our prayers.