Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Appyling for jobs & having a swim now and then

Brendon and I have spent the last few days applying for jobs, browsing the internet and also having a swim in the pool now and then. :p

So far I've applied for a teaching post with the government school system and tomorrow I'll post in my application to teach in the Catholic Schools. I don't know exactly what God is planning for me and to tell you the truth I feel a bit scared of what lies ahead, but I'm trying to take it day by day, trusting in Him and holding tight to my faith as much as I can. I always believed that He'll take care of my future - now, more than before it's time to keep close to that belief and have faith... :)

Working on the computer early in the morning.

This morning we had breakfast with Brendon's sister, Karin, in a cafe in Cronulla. It's a place next to the sea - well actually ocean, insomma you get what I mean. I had sauteed mushrooms on toast, followed by fruit and a really good chocolate milkshake!... mmmm... really good and filling!! The day was quite cool and windy, so we didn't have a go at swimming in the ocean. The waves were quite rough. I'll dive in the Pacific ocean another time - maybe I'll get to surf too you never know!! ... hehe...

New things are coming up in the next few days - interview with the World Youth Day (WYD) people for a post as a volunteer, Vigil with the WYD cross and icon, and Summer School of Evangelisation is starting next Sunday!! WOHOOO!!! TAL-GENN!! We had to cancel the coast walk we were planning to this week. Twenty eight kilometers of walking would have drained us out and we wouldn't have appreciated the other things... Tkun darb'ohra...


Simon said...

wow claire, most of us are here studying like crazy u int tgawdi il chocoalte milkshake :P enjoy it! shame about the walk being cancelled, wanted to heard about it.

ian-z- said...

kemm nixtieq inkun ghasfur tal-passa u nghaddi naqra s'hemm! fejn qatt kont tobsor li kont ha tispicca l-awstralja hux claire!! heheh!! tajjeb!! God bless you, keep in prayer as always!