Sunday, January 6, 2008

A day in the City

Yesterday was a great day: We went to the city - went to the Sydney Aquarium and we visited the sisters (Missionaries of Charity nuns) too!!!! We also stopped in 2 Comic bookstores... (guess why!!)

The Aquarium was really nice: seals, sharks, giant turtles, coral reef, a wide variety of fish - really nice. I was impressed most by the turtle and seals... turtle mainly... maybe its because I hadn't yet seen one so close and so big! Brendon liked the Platypus most... it's his favourite animal.

And the visit to the sisters was TAL-GENN!! aahh i really needed to see some familiar faces... well not exactly cos I dont know them but at least an environment that I'm familiar with. They have a kitchen soup every morning (I hope to go some day and give a helping hand) and they visit people in their homes. That's their main apostolate.

We really walked a lot. We both were exhausted by the end of it.

Today we had a restful day. Woke up late, prayed, had lunch, read for a while, and prepared some things we need for a 2-day hike we're planning for this coming week. It's a 28km Coast walk. We'll see how it goes. ;) Now I'm off for a swim and then for the 6pm Sunday Youth mass.


Simon said...

great now we can keep contact not only through the google group, and here we can see pictures!!
Glad you're having a great time, praying for you,
say h to Brendan

Sarah said...

CLAIRE!!! hope you are having a grand time over there say hi to the koalas and kangaroos for me loool! Take care duda & Gb!


Marquita said...

Sounds like Claire IS having a grand time, don't you think Sarah G?

I'm happy for you Claire! Do keep us updated...I promise to keep reading. Take care. GBU

Bernie said...

Illami Claire xi gmiel!! Sewwa taghmel ek gawdi...esperjenza fuq esperjenza;-) GBU loadzzz..lets keep each other in prayer. Hello to Brendon as well!