Monday, May 19, 2008


Have you ever played Cricket?? I assure you it is not an easy game... I played for an hour or so last week during a picnic - the next day i woke up with a sore arm!! (I'm not so fit at the moment that's true...). Anyway here are some pics of me playing - trying to hit the ball. I did manage to make some good runs for a beginner, but I'm not a good bowler. I perform better in tennis!! ... hehe... :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw claire,

Dan mhux fair eeee! qed tippratika iktar sports minni hemm..irridu naraw x'naghmlu biex jew jaghmlu xi exchange jew nivvintaw xi haga. :p

Anyway tidher li qed tiehu gost u dik l-importanti. Hu gost ghalija!
